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Pineapple-The King of Friuts

Statistics show that after banana, the second most loved fruit is pineapple with its unique qualities. Perennial-resistant pineapple plants reach 152 cm to 244 cm and produce berries with a hard and barbed wrap, about 30 cm long. The fruit of the pineapple plant can reach a weight of 3.6 kg. At the same time, the sweet and tangy pectin in it, whose structure resembles fibers, creates a pleasant chewing sensation.Coming from Paraguay, pineapples have been named after the Spanish word "piña", which means a conch. Formally, pineapple is not one fruit, but 100-200 fruit fused together. Cultivation in more northerly areas, though still warm enough, was accomplished by wandering Indians and pineapple was discovered by America's discoverers in 1492. On the ships, the fruit has become a favorite food and in defense of the greatest horror of sailors : scurvy. Today, most pineapples are supplied by Southeast Asia, with Thailand being the largest manufacturer.Pineapple is great in itself, and can also be used in many culinary recipes, such as shish-kebab, lettuce salad and fruit salad, fried dishes and sauce salsa. Pineapple is consumed by simply cutting both ends and then placed on a smooth surface to cut the bark from the top to the bottom edge of the entire circumference. Then the fruit is simply cut into circles.When choosing pineapple, remember that those who weigh more in size are more ripe. The ripening process stops when pineapple tears. To make sure it has not been too long, choose those that smell and do not smell mold or fermentation. While some people think they should eat pineapple almost immediately after slicing for optimal benefit, new studies show that sliced ​​and frozen pineapples are excellent until the ninth day with minimal loss of phenolic phytonutrients. So for a nutritious and tasty experience, eat pineapples.What is pineapple useful for us? Healthy benefits of pineappleOf all vitamins and minerals in pineapple, vitamin C accounts for 131% of the daily amount needed. He has no reputation for having a vitamin that suppresses cough, colds and flu symptoms.
Besides being a natural antioxidant, vitamin C is needed to synthesize collagen, which is the most important structural protein in the body for healthy blood vessels, organs and skin, and tissue regeneration, bone resistance and heavy metal absorption.Most nutrients are retained regardless of whether pineapple is fresh or canned, except for vitamin C, which reduces from 131% of the daily pineapple requirement to 32% in canned pineapples.One cup of fresh pineapple pieces is equivalent to 165 grams, and the same amount of canned pineapple is equivalent to 246 grams. Pineapple provides three quarters of the manganese needed for one day, allowing free radicals to cleave with the useful enzyme superoxide dismutase. What's more, they contain folic acid, thiamine, biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and minerals such as copper and potassium. Potassium provides what is needed to keep the cage healthy and underwater the body's water balance, regulation of heart rhythm and blood pressure. Vitamin A and beta-carotene provide additional antioxidants to support the immune system and good vision.Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain that is capable of digesting proteins to simpler substances to provide phytonutrients such as amino acids and peptides needed for digestion. Studies have shown that bromelain, taken when eating pineapple, stops arthritic inflammation, indigestion, removes clots and bruises, and fights harmful bacteria, even against cancer and parasites.Still, eat pineapple tired because they contain fructose, which in large quantities may be harmful to your health.

  • Portion: 1 cup pieces of pineapple (165 g)
  • Quantity per serving
  •  -Calories 82
  •  -Carbohydrates 22 g
  •  -Sugar 16 g
  •  -Fiber 2 g
  •  -Protein 1 g
  •  -What is pineapple useful for us? Pineapple research
has potent anticancer ingredients. Many studies have been carried out, but one specifically shows that the cancer cells exposed to bromelain showed slower growth, began to decay and perish. In a breast cancer study, bromelain, given to participants in increasing concentration over a 24-hour period, demonstrated a steady increase in the effect of cancer suppression.

 Another study has explored the anti-inflammatory properties of bromelain found in pineapple extracts. The study showed a significant anti-inflammatory effect on allergic airways disease. The researchers concluded that bromelain may be involved in the effective treatment of asthma, whether it is hereditary, such as an allergic reaction, an environmental or diet-induced infection.

Interesting facts about pineappleYou can grow your own pineapple home by breaking the crown of a pineapple that you buy, dry it for 2-3 days and plan it. Pineapple plants can produce fruit for 50 years in the wild, and the emergence and maturation of one fruit takes 2 years. 

In Conlusion
Pineapple is useful for you regardless of your age. The bones of the adults are strengthened, and those of the children get the necessary for their development, and this is just one of the great benefits of this tropical fruit.Composed of fruits harvested in a rigid, flaked bark with a sprig of green sprouts on the top, pineapples contain well above the daily vitamin C required, they are a great remedy for infections and collagen synthesis as well as manganese containing the enzyme superoxide dismutase. Bromelain in the pineapple fruit is a unique enzyme with potential anticancer properties that breaks down food so that nutrients can be used by the body.

 Healthy recipe with pineapple: Hot shrimp and pineappleIngredients:
  •     -1 pack (450 g) frozen small bean poppy
  •     -1 ¼ hours of frozen peas
  •     -½ red sweet pepper, chopped
  •     -1 tablespoon coconut oil
  •     -1 tablespoon paprika
  •     -½ ml of salt
  •     -450 g large shrimp, peeled and cooked
  •     -1 1/3 cup chopped pineapple
  •     -2 tablespoons lime juice
  •     -1/8 -1 / 4 tablespoons chili sauce
  •     -1/3 cup basil, chopped (optional)


  •     -Put pea, peas, pepper, coconut oil, red pepper and salt in a large pan at an average temperature of 4 minutes.
  •     -Add shrimps and cook until they are evenly baked for at least 2 minutes.
  •     -Add the other ingredients. Season with salt, pepper and serve

This recipe is for 4 servings.


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