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15 Interesting Things You Dont Know About Sugar

From the boring hours of chemistry, most of you can only remember what sugar is all about. But this article will definitely make you cute! And if you support the mass opinion that sugar is extremely harmful, I offer you 15 things you do not know about it.1. People in India have discovered crystallizing cane sugar for at least 2,000 years ago. When he arrived there, Alexander the Great was surprised how people produced honey without bees.2. In 1747, the German chemist Andreas Margrag discovered that sugar in sugar beet was identical to sugar in the sugar cane. In 1802, the first sugar beet refinery opened, bringing cheaply to the northern countries.3. The average American consumes 61 kilograms of refined sugar every year, including 25 kilos of candy.4. Attention: From sugar you can get wrinkles through a process called glycation. An excess of blood sugar is associated with collagen in the skin, making it less elastic.5. There is no room for panic! Gritting the skin with sugar can help her maintain her flexibility.

6. The artificial sweeteners saccharin and aspartame were discovered by accident when lab workers, during the test trials, which had nothing to do with sweeteners, tasted a little of the substance and surprisingly liked it.7. Here is the answer for those who are not at the chemistry class. Sugar is made up of molecules of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simply put, a lump of sugar is crystallized sucrose, a synthesis of fructose and a glucose molecule.8. How is the word "relief" written? For some people here - Generalalp. "Obecalp" is a fake pill containing sugar available to children in mild complaints. Try to read the name of the medicine back. Yes, placebo is given (for those who do not know, I will explain that the placebo effect is a phenomenon where the patient's symptoms can improve if there is an unsuccessful or fake treatment just because the patient believes he will recover).9. But not everything is a game of mind. Xylitol (sugar and alcohol) can prevent ear infections in children.10. We can not overlook the fact that sugar is a building block of carbohydrates - the most abundant organic molecules in living organisms.11. Interestingly, glycol aldehyde (containing eight sugar atoms) has even been found in an interstellar cloud of gas near the center of the Milky Way.12. Sugar can help you to "cost" the cosmos. Light a small amount of sucrose with a dose of corn syrup and salt and you get a "sugar motor fuel," popularly amateur rocket fuel.
13. Non-alcoholic beverages with artificial sweeteners can actually help you build up fat. A study at Purdue University shows that rats, which systematically take fluids with artificial sweeteners, consume more calories than those rats that take up sugary beverages.14. A compound called lugduname is the sweetest known compound - 200,000 times as sweet as sugar.15. Do you imagine eating 16 lumps of sugar in one meal? You probably do it. This amount is slightly less than what is contained in a 500 ml bottle of Coca-Cola.Has it become sweet to you? Now you can rush to the kitchen. But do not forget that it is more dangerous not just the amount of sugar but its frequent use!


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